828 Utica Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

About Varicose & Spider Veins

Vein disease manifests in one of two ways: varicose veins and spider veins. Vascular doctors in Long Island describe these two conditions below.

Varicose Veins

These are abnormal, bulging, cord like veins that appear twisted under the skin, particularly in the legs. They occur when the valves in the veins become defective and blood flow towards the heart is not complete. The blood pools around the valves and begins to leak into the surrounding tissues leading to a host of complications. Varicose veins occur in about half of the female population and about a quarter of the male population. In addition to their unattractive appearance, they can cause discomfort and in more advanced cases be painful.

Varicose & Spider Veins

Spider Veins

Spider veins are commonly found on the ankles and legs as well as the face. They appear as blue, purplish or red dilated veins on the surface of the skin. As with varicose veins, the best heart doctors in Long Island acknowledge that spider veins are more common in women than men. Most individuals with spider veins are concerned about their unsightly appearance and in some cases, the individual may become self-conscious of the veins. Worse still, some individuals experience aching, burning or itching around the area of the spider veins. Spider veins are generally harmless although the discomfort experienced after long periods of standing may be of concern to some patients.

A number of risk factors place an individual at risk for developing varicose veins or spider veins including a family history, pregnancy, obesity, age, female gender, prolonged sitting or standing, hormonal medications and certain conditions. While it is impossible to identify a single risk factor for each individual, it is advisable to try and alter modifiable risk factors such as obesity.

Heart doctors in Long Island are suitably trained to diagnose varicose veins and spider veins and manage them appropriately.